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BigB Matcha Deodorant by Cancer's A Bitch

A fun fact about me that most of you won't know ....

I'm an entrepreneur. And have been for many many years now!

I owned and ran a Global Booking Agency for almost 15 years🤘🏼🎶. And a few years before my diagnosis, I created an all natural skincare line, that I sold at markets and in a handful of shops around Toronto.

And while I had a lot of fun with the skincare line (and the agency as well, of course), it grew to the point that I had make a decision. Do I take the next step (manufacturing & distribution), do I leave it as a small hobby-based business, or do I move on to something else.

And when I stopped to actually think about it, I realized that what I really enjoyed most was developing the brand, and designing the website, and marketing the products.

PLUS, towards the end I was tired. Like crazy tired. I chalked it up to running two businesses. Although we know now that unbeknownst to me at the time, I had cancer growing (and spreading) inside of me, and that was likely playing a very large roll in my fatigue.

So after some deliberation, I decided to fold the skincare line. And not long after that, the booking agency as well. In fact, I closed the agency down just a few weeks before receiving my diagnosis. How's that for the universe having my back! And I started doing branding and web design full time.

Flash forward a couple of years down the road, and here we are!

I'm still running (and loving) the branding & design boutique. However, I'm also 28 months into a Metastatic Breast Cancer (aka MBC) diagnosis, and I'm becoming more and more aware of how much work there still is to be done and action that still needs to be taken when it comes to Metastatic Breast Cancer research and awareness.

For starters, it is GROSSLY underfunded. Only 2-7% of funds raised for breast cancer research actually go to the study of metastasis.

Also, there is no MBC data recorded for the women who progress from stage 1, 2, or 3, to stage 4. These women continue to be counted as early stage breast cancer.

And these are just two of MANY mind blowing stats that prove how far we still have to go when it comes to MBC.

Big B MBC Research Fundraiser | Cancer's A Bitch Blog

SO, to do my part, I have decided to revive one product from my skincare line, and donate 100% of the profits to foundations that support Metastatic Breast Cancer Research and those of us living with Advanced Stage IV Breast Cancer.

CLICK HERE to read more about the Foundations that I've chosen, and why.

Hands down THE most popular product from my line was the deodorant. And as luck would have it, this pairs quite well with an MBC Action & Awareness campaign.

We've all heard the term "you are what you eat", right?!

Well the same can be said for what you put ON your body. And especially in spots like your armpits, where surprisingly, so much important stuff goes down!

"As breast cancer cells multiply, they can enter the lymphatic vessels that are located in a woman’s breast tissue. The lymph fluid then carries the cells throughout the body. And often times, the lymph nodes in the underarm area are the first place breast cancer will start to grow since they are the closest to the breast." (source)

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly not making any sort of medical claim with this deodorant. However, I do think it's important that we all start to become more conscious about the ingredients that are in our skincare products.

I mean everything that you put on your skin, eventually gets absorbed and makes it's way under your skin. So why not give your largest organ (your skin) a bit of a helping hand if you can, right?!

And if I can facilitate that, even in some teeny-tiny way, AND in the process raise some funds and awareness for as urgent and important a topic as Metastatic Breast Cancer, then why not!

The online shop will launch on Monday, December 21st for shipping within Canada. And more International locations will follow, in the new year.

In the meantime I've created a product page with some details (much more to come on Monday), so head on over and check it out!

Annnnd, if you felt so inclined as to share this link to your social media channels, or repost one of my Insta posts or stories, I would certainly appreciate it!

The more tubes of BigB Deodorant that you all buy, the more we'll be able to donate to the MBC Funds at The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation and Rethink Breast Cancer. 🖤


2023 EDIT ....

I've closed the shop down :(

It wasn't an easy decision, as it was a wonderful feeling knowing that I was donating and contributing to such an important cause. And I was absolutely overwhelmed by the support that I received. However, I was coming up a bit short on the energy end of things, in order to properly keep up with the orders.

With that being said, and if you felt so inclined, you can still donate to The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation's Metastatic Breast Cancer Research Fund through my fundraising page.


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